Useful commands
If you are looking for the old version, you will find it here OLD - Useful server commands
Node service commands
Please look in Node Service Commands
Node info (peerID, balance, frame number...)
Please look in Check your node info
Config prover pause
To avoid being penalized, use this command to send a "pause" message to the network, if your node has crashed because of hardware failure and cannot recover. Change version-os-arch
according to your needs.
Your qclient full binary name can be checked with
ls $HOME/ceremonyclient/client
Kill node process
Use this in case you need to kill duplicated node processes that cause your node to crash.
If this doesn't work, use pkill -SIGKILL node
as a last resource.
Backup keys.yml and config.yml to a root/backup folder
This may be useful if you have to clean up your ceremonyclient folder and don't want to download locally your config.yml and keys.yml. You can just back up them remotely on a root/backup folder and copy them again in the node folder later on.
Copy the files from your node folder to the root/backup folder
Copy the files back from root/backup to your node folder (a copy will also remain in the root/backup folder)
Check total nodes connected to the network
Install grpcURL
Node flags
You can append these flags to your node binary to execute various functions
Print the node's confirmed token balance to stdout and exit
The configuration directory
Specifies the core of the process
(initial launcher)
Write CPU profile to file
Starts the node in database console mode
Sets log output to debug (verbose)
Sets a node to run strictly as a DHT bootstrap peer (not full node)
Creates a new config using a specific key from the phase one ceremony
Runs an integrity check on the store, helpful for confirming backups are not corrupted
Write memory profile after 20m to this file
Sets the active network for the node (mainnet = 0, primary testnet = 1)
Print node related information
Specifies the parent process pid for a data worker
Print the peer id to stdout from the config and exit
Enable pprof server on specified address (e.g. localhost:6060)
Enables or disables signature validation
(or value of QUILIBRIUM_SIGNATURE_CHECK env var)
Clean folders from repo files
Be careful! The below commands will delete some node files with no possibility of recovery
If you run your node and qclient via binary files, you don't need all the repo files, but if you installed your node a long time ago, you may still have those files there.
Which files do you actually require?
If you have other extra files that you want to keep, you will need to modify the commands below according to your needs.
STEP 1 - Take a backup of your entire ceremonyclient folder
STEP 2 - Delete all repo files in the ceremonyclient folder, excluding node and client folders
The below command is safe to run, it will just show what will be deleted, without deleting anything:
If the output looks good, run the actual command and delete the files:
STEP 3 - Delete all repo files from the /client folder
The below command is safe to run, it will just show what will be deleted, without deleting anything:
If the output looks good, run the actual command and delete the files:
STEP 4 - Delete all repo files from the /node folder
The below command is safe to run, it will just show what will be deleted, without deleting anything:
If the output looks good, run the actual command and delete the files:
STEP 5 - Restart your node and check the log
If everything in your log looks correct, and you are sure you have not deleted unwanted files, you can proceed to delete your ceremonyclient folder backup. It is a good idea, though, to keep the backup for a while in case you discover later that you have deleted something you wanted to keep.
To delete the ceremonyclient backup, you can use this simple command:
Last updated