Node Auto-installer

Install your Quilibrium node in a few clicks

COMPATIBLE with Quilibrium 1.4.21 (ready but untested for v2.0)

This guide will work for a Linux server with Ubuntu 22.04.X - If you use a different OS you can still follow the steps, but the autoinstaller script will likely fail. If you want to install on Docker, use this other guide.

If you are on Windows WSL, use the Node step by step installation.

If you want to install the node on Mac, use this other guide.

1 - Rent a server

Even before thinking about running a node, you should read Is running a Quilibrium node still profitable?

Rent or use a server with the right Hardware requirements Here are the Best server providers.

Keep in mind that nodes with better specs will earn more rewards. The ratio for optimal rewards from 1.4.18, theoretically, will be 1:2:4 (core:ram in GB:disk in GB). Your bandwidth will also matter.

VDS (Virtual Dedicated Servers) and Bare Metal (Physical dedicated Servers) are your best choice. Using a VPS (Virtual Private Server) may give you issues, as often the providers oversell the resources. That being said, using a VPS or a home machine may work just fine if you don't care about absolutely maximizing your rewards.

If you choose to use a VPS and you are worried your provider may block you, read Limiting your CPU usage

2 - Install Ubuntu

Install the OS Ubuntu 22.04.X. If your server has two disks, consider configuring them in "RAID 1" (typically offered by your provider). This setup mirrors one disk to the other, providing redundancy and safeguarding against data loss in case one disk fails.

From now on, you can also use the Q.One - Node Quickstart Menu tool directly in your terminal. If this is the first node you install, I still recommend following the guide here to understand all the steps.

3 - Prepare the server

Run the auto-installer script on your server (OS must be Ubuntu 22.04.X). I suggest you to use Termius to login and run all the commands. Be sure that you are logging in via port 22 (default with most server providers).

Your working installation folder must be "root" (not home/username) or you will likely see errors.

If you prefer to not automate this step you can do it manually step-by-step, simply follow theNode step by step installation

Follow the Safety checks before running this script in your server

wget --no-cache -O - | bash

If the script fails and stops, you can try to run it again (if you understand why it stopped, then try to solve the issue first, of course). If you still receive an error, you may want to proceed manually, step by step, instead of using the auto-installer. Here is the Node step by step installation

After this step is recommended to reboot your server and login again.

If you get stuck in the "Pink Screen of Death", asking you to restart some services, but pressing ENTER or ESC does not work, please read Escaping the "Pink Screen of Death"

3.1 - Check if everything is OK

Things change fast, and we may be not fast enough to update the scripts you find from now on in the guide. So, to avoid any issue, I suggest checking Telegram pinned messages and Discord announcements for any last minute issue or update. If there is something you don't understand, ask in the chats.

If everything looks fine, proceed to the next step.

Even if you run the scripts but they don't work because there was a last minute update, don't worry. The worst that can happen is that they will give you an error.

4 - Install the node software

Install your Quilibrium node and run it as a service.

wget --no-cache -O - | bash

The script will create the service and start it. You can inspect the code here.

You will start seeing the node log at the end of the installation, to detach from it and be able to use the terminal just type CTRL +C

Now, you can safely log out from your server and the node will keep running. Wait at least 15-30 minutes to allow your node to generate your keys, then Backup your private keys

5 - Let the node run

Let your node run for at least 15-30 minutes, then check if your keys.yml file has been completely generated. Run the command:

wc -c /root/ceremonyclient/node/.config/keys.yml

The response should be 1252 /root/ceremonyclient/node/.config/keys.yml. If the number is lower, you need to keep the node running a bit more. You can also check here to see how the correct file should look like.

When your keys.yml has been generated, you can proceed to Backup your private keys, and Set up the gRPC calls

After 1.4.19, ensure consistent daily backups of the node/.config/store folder too. Why? Read Backup your node

6 - Set up SSH keys (optional)

This is optional, but recommended! Set up SSH keysand disable the password connection. Here is a guide to do this. To enhance even more your server security, you may install and setup Fail2ban, here is a guide.

If you reboot your server, you will need to start the node service again with this command.

Node service commands

Start service

service ceremonyclient start

Stop service

service ceremonyclient stop

Restart service

service ceremonyclient restart

View node log

sudo journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat

Service status

service ceremonyclient status

Last updated