☑️Limiting your vCores usage

If the number of vCores (vCPU) is less than half of your total RAM, you may receive errors and the node may crash. For instance, a server with 32 vCores and 32 GB of RAM will have issues (the perfect ratio would be 32 vCores and 64 GB of RAM). See Hardware requirements

To check your number of vCores you can use nproc

The number of cores you see on a rental server means that "usually" you will have a double number of vCores, because of hypethreading.

How to limit the number of vCores your node uses

Version of the tutorial if you are NOT running as a service

The below process will limit the use of VCores for your whole system, not just your node process.

Open your .bashrc file using a text editor, such as nano:

nano ~/.bashrc

Add the following line at the end of your .bashrc file. Replace (cores) with the desired number of vCores:

export GOMAXPROCS=(cores)

For example, on a server with 32 vCores and 32 GB of RAM, you would set this number to 16, since it needs to be at least half of your RAM. You can also set it lower if you still receive issues after testing.

If you have a server with the correct ratio of vCores to RAM but still face issues, try setting GOMAXPROCS to one less than your total system vCores. For example, on a 32 vCore, 64 GB RAM server, you might set: export GOMAXPROCS=31

To save the changes, type CTRL + X, then Y, then ENTER.

Source your .bashrc for the changes to be effective

source ~/.bashrc

Check your server performance:

Monitor the node log to ensure everything is functioning correctly:

I also like to use Hetrixtools to monitor system resources more closely (free to usen up to 15 servers)

Edit the systemd service file for ceremonyclient:

Open the service file for ceremonyclient. This is typically located at /etc/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service. If it’s not there, you might need to locate the correct path.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service

Set the GOMAXPROCS environment variable:

Add the following line under the [Service] section:

Description=Ceremony Client Go App Service



Replace (cores) with the desired number of vCores.

To check your number of vCores you can use nproc, then simply set a GOMAXPROCS value that is half your RAM value and see how it goes.

For example, on a server with 32 vCores and 32 GB of RAM, you would set GOMAXPROCS=16

If it still doesn't solve the error, diminish the value by 1 and test again, and son on...

If you have a server with the correct ratio of vCores to RAM but still face issues, try setting GOMAXPROCS to one less than your total system vCores. For example, on a 32 vCore, 64 GB RAM server, you might set GOMAXPROCS=31

Reload systemd to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Restart your service

service ceremonyclient restart

Check your server performance:

Monitor the node log to ensure everything is functioning correctly:

sudo journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat

I also like to use Hetrixtools to monitor system resources more closely (free to use on up to 15 servers)

Last updated