☑️Limiting your CPU usage

Quilibrium will use 90-100% of your CPU power all the time. Take precautions to avoid being banned by your provider (or damaging your machine).

Steps to follow

Get your number of vCores by running nproc

Open your service file

nano /lib/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service

Add this line in the [Service] section (adjust the percentage as needed)

CPUQuota=1120% # Adjust the percentage as needed

How do you calculate your CPUQuota? CPUQuota= your vCores count * assigned quota (e.g. 16 vCores at 70% => CPUQuota=1120%)

To calculate your CPUQuota, consider that in systems like Linux, CPU usage is typically measured as a percentage of a single CPU core's capacity, not the total capacity of all cores combined.

To clarify, the total CPU usage on an 16 vCores system, if all cores were fully utilized, would be 1600%. Therefore, when setting a CPUQuota, you're expressing the percentage of total CPU capacity you want your service to utilize. In this case, 1120% indicates that your service should use 70% of the total CPU capacity available on the VPS.

If you have limited the vCores used by your node using GOMAXPROCS (see Limiting the RAM assigned to each vCore), then you should count only the vCores you are actually using.

Here is how the file should look like

Description=Ceremony Client Go App Service

ExecStart=/root/ceremonyclient/node/release_autorun.sh #this line may be different for some of you
CPUQuota=1120%  # Adjust the percentage as needed


To save press CTRL + X, then Y, then ENTER

Reload your systemd manager configuration

systemctl daemon-reload

Restart your service

service ceremonyclient restart


Check your server performance:

Monitor the node log to ensure everything is functioning correctly:

sudo journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat

I also like to use Hetrixtools to monitor system resources more closely (free to use on up to 15 servers)

Last updated