🐳Installing the node on Docker

With Docker you can create a "container", install Ubuntu in it and run a node

This guide is outdated. Please use this other one.

Outdated - DO NOT use

  1. Download and install Docker on your computer

  2. Execute Docker

  3. Open your computer terminal

  4. Run the commands below

Get the latest Ubuntu release

docker pull ubuntu

Create a docker container named “quilibrium” and install Ubuntu in it

docker run -td --name quilibrium ubuntu

Go to the root folder of your Ubuntu installation

docker exec -it quilibrium bash

Proceed with the step-by-step installation of the node

Useful Docker commands

Change "quilibrium" with your container name

Create new container

docker create --name quilibrium ubuntu

Create new container and run it

docker run -it --name quilibrium ubuntu /bin/bash

Create new container in background

docker run -td --name quilibrium ubuntu /bin/bash

Run container

docker exec -it quilibrium /bin/bash

Stop container

docker stop quilibrium

Rename container

docker rename quilibrium mycontainernew

Last updated